There’s something undeniably intoxicating about the warmth of bare skin || Read More

Yoni meditation is a spiritual practice with endless benefits for women. Karma Tantric author Hakima Tantrika explores the benefits and techniques behind this enlightening practice.
READ MOREHealth & Wellbeing , Lesbian / Yoni Tantric , how to do yoni yoga, what is yoni yoga, yoni yoga, yoni yoga benefits, how to practice yoni meditation, what is yoni meditation, yoni meditation benefits

Karma Tantric author Erica Suarez-Hillingdon shares her knowledge about Semen retention and its scientific benefits.
READ MOREArticles , Fun & Mainstream , Health & Wellbeing , how to do yoni yoga, what is yoni yoga, yoni yoga, yoni yoga benefits, how to practice yoni meditation, what is yoni meditation, yoni meditation benefits, semen retention benefits, the science behind semen retention

Lovely Yasmin, it is great to hear from you. I hope to...
Amazing selfies, they have definitely got me excited for the end of...
It is lovely to read a personal message and to know you...