Yoni oil benefits: is it really good for your vaginal health?
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Yoni Oil: What is it? Benefits And How To Use Safely

Erica Suarez-Hillingdon enlightens us on the wondrous benefits of yoni oil.

Taking care of our vaginal health is essential, and many women are turning to natural remedies to maintain a healthy balance down there. One popular product gaining attention in recent years is Yoni oil.

Derived from ancient herbal traditions, Yoni oil is believed to offer numerous benefits for vaginal health. In this article, we’ll explore what Yoni oil is, its potential advantages, and whether it is truly beneficial for your vaginal well-being.

Did You Know?: “In 2015, a study found that there were positive antifungal effects when using Lavender Essential Oil on the vaginal area” National Library of Medicine and Institute of Health – 2015.”

What is Yoni Oil?

Before we get to Yoni oil, let’s first quickly explain what your Yoni is. The term “Yoni” comes from Sanskrit and refers to the female reproductive system, encompassing the vagina, uterus, and ovaries.

So, what’s in yoni oil, you ask? Yoni oil is a natural, plant based oil infusion specifically formulated using a blend of various essential oils, carrier oils, and herbal extracts that have been traditionally associated with women’s health.

Yoni oil mixes are designed to be included in daily vaginal health and self-care routines. Most yoni oils are used to moisturise the mons pubis and labia, but they can provide a whole slew of other benefits as well.

Understanding vaginal health

Before delving into the benefits of Yoni massage oil, it’s essential to understand the factors that influence vaginal health. The vagina is a self-cleaning and self-regulating organ, but various internal and external factors can impact its delicate balance.

The vaginal microbiome

The term “vaginal microbiome” refers to the diverse community of microorganisms that naturally reside in the vagina. These microorganisms include bacteria, yeasts, and other microscopic organisms. They coexist in a delicate balance, forming a unique ecosystem known as the vaginal flora.

The vaginal microbiome plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy environment by keeping the vaginal pH balance within a specific range and preventing the overgrowth of harmful bacteria.

When the balance of the vaginal microbiome is disrupted, it can lead to various issues, such as vaginal infections or discomfort. Certain factors, such as hormonal changes or the use of certain products, can influence the composition of the vaginal microbiome.

Factors affecting overall vaginal health

Several factors can impact the overall health of the vagina:

  • Hormonal fluctuations: Changes in hormone levels, particularly during menstrual cycles, pregnancy, or menopause, can affect the vaginal environment. Hormonal fluctuations can lead to changes in vaginal pH and moisture levels.
  • Sexual activity: Sexual intercourse can influence the vaginal microbiome. The introduction of new microorganisms during sexual contact can temporarily alter the balance of the vaginal flora.
  • Hygiene practices: Proper hygiene is essential for vaginal health. However, excessive cleaning or the use of harsh soaps and douches can disrupt the natural pH balance of the vagina, leading to irritation or infections.
  • Use of certain products: Some personal care products, such as scented wipes, sprays, or feminine hygiene products, may contain chemicals that can irritate the delicate tissues of the vagina and disturb its natural balance.
  • Medical conditions and medications: Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or immunodeficiency disorders, can increase the risk of vaginal infections. Additionally, the use of certain medications, like antibiotics, can affect the vaginal microbiome by disrupting the balance of bacteria.
  • Clothing choices: Tight-fitting or non-breathable clothing, especially synthetic materials, can trap moisture and heat, creating an environment conducive to the growth of harmful bacteria.


What are the potential benefits of yoni oil?

Yoni oil provides an array of different benefits depending which ingredients are included. Additionally, many yoni oils can double as body oil, massage oil, or after shave lotion.

Here are a few of the most common benefits of yoni oil that users enjoy:

  • Eliminates chronic infections: Many yoni oils contain powerful antibacterial ingredients like neem, which works to discourage bad bacteria, or tea tree oil, also a natural antibacterial as well as an anti-fungal, making it particularly effective against recurring yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis (BV).
  • Boosts moisture: Vaginal dryness is a common result of stress, hormonal health issues, and can even occur as a natural result of ageing. Increased moisture is one of the primary benefits of yoni oil, which is why many include powerful natural moisturisers like aloe and coconut oil.
  • Prevents ingrown hairs: For those susceptible to pesky ingrown hairs, the regular application of a yoni oil infused with essential oils boasting antibacterial and soothing anti-inflammatory properties can act as both treatment and prevention. These include tea tree, chamomile and lavender.
  • Soothes itching: Whether the result of dry skin, hair regrowth, friction, or susceptibility to infection, many women cope with regular vaginal itching. Common yoni oil ingredients like calendula, chickweed, and plantain work to soothe and reduce itching while facilitating natural healing.
  • Relieves pain and inflammation: If you’re suffering from pain, irritation, or general inflammation, yoni oil ingredients like comfrey work to increase cell turnover, relieve pain, and bring down inflammation. Peppermint oil is also a wonderful ingredient for those in search of a powerful soother.
  • Balancing pH levels: The natural ingredients in Yoni oil may support a balanced pH level, creating an environment conducive to vaginal health.
  • Boosting libido: Some proponents claim that Yoni oil can enhance sexual desire and pleasure, leading to a boosted libido.

The ingredients of Yoni oil

The precise ingredients of Yoni oil varies among different brands and formulations, but common components include:

  • Coconut Oil: Known for its moisturising properties, coconut oil helps keep the skin in the intimate area supple and hydrated.
  • Jojoba Oil: This natural oil is believed to resemble the skin’s sebum, making it suitable for balancing moisture levels.
  • Calendula: With anti-inflammatory properties, calendula can help soothe and calm irritated skin.
  • Lavender: Known for its relaxing scent, lavender oil may aid in reducing stress and tension.
  • Chamomile: Another calming ingredient, chamomile can help ease discomfort and promote relaxation.
  • Tea Tree Oil: With its antimicrobial properties, tea tree oil can be added to Yoni oil to help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in the vaginal area.
  • Sweet Almond Oil: This gentle and nourishing oil can provide additional moisture and hydration to the skin in the intimate region when included in Yoni oil.

Yoni oil recipe: how to make Yoni oil at home

For the DIY aficionados among us, it’s easy to follow a yoni oil recipe and make your very own DIY yoni oil from home. All you need is a few of your favourite essential oils and an understanding of their basic properties so you can properly address your particular set of goals and needs.

Although there are many different ways to make yoni oil (some of which include gels, or dried herbs and flowers), it’s best to start simple and create more complex concoctions once you have a better idea what works for you.

Follow these simple steps to make a beginner’s yoni oil.

  • Choose your carrier oils: Your carrier oil will be your base, and is largely included for it’s moisturising effects, as well as to dilute your more potent essential oil ingredients. Coconut, olive, or almond oils are all strong choices for a carrier oil. As a general rule, you’ll want to follow a 10:1 ratio—that’s 10 parts carrier oil for every 1 part essential oil. However, since everyone’s different, you may want to start conservatively, with a 20:1 mix. You can then adjust as needed.
  • Choose your essential oils: Your choice of essential oils will depend somewhat on your reasons for using yoni oil in the first place. I like to combine lavender and tea tree essential oils with a coconut oil base, as all 3 oils offer powerful antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Translation: it’s great for protection against infections, ingrown hairs, inflammation, and dryness, to name a few. Whenever possible, choose organic oils to avoid unknown contaminants.
  • Combine your oils: In a bowl, pot, or vessel of your choice, combine your carrier and essential oils together, mixing vigorously with a spoon. If you live in a cold climate and your coconut oil is solid, be sure to flash heat it on the stove first in order to liquefy it. This will ensure better fusion with your other ingredients. If your chosen vessel has a lid, close it and shake your mixture well. Once your DIY yoni oil is thoroughly mixed, it’s almost ready for use.
  • Bottle and store your Yoni oil: If you’ve ever wondered why the essential oils you buy in the store are kept in amber or dark blue glass bottles, it’s because essential oils are sensitive to UV rays. Too much light exposure can cause them to spoil, change their components, or make them less potent. So think of darker bottles as sunglasses for your yoni oil. And choose glass over plastic when possible, as plastic can shed harmful chemicals—and is less eco-friendly.

How to use Yoni oil properly

Using Yoni oil properly is essential to ensure safe and effective results. Here are the guidelines to follow:

  • Perform a patch test: Before applying Yoni oil to a larger area, it’s wise to do a patch test first. Apply a small amount of the oil on a small patch of skin on your inner arm or leg. Wait for at least 24 hours to see if you experience any allergic reactions or irritation. If there are no adverse effects, it’s likely safe to use on a larger area.
  • Clean your hands: Before handling Yoni oil, make sure your hands are clean and dry. This helps prevent the transfer of bacteria or dirt to the genital area.
  • Choose the right time: Ideally, apply Yoni oil after a shower or bath when your genital area is clean. This allows better absorption of the oil and reduces the risk of irritation.
  • Use a small amount: Yoni oil is potent, and a little goes a long way. Start with just a few drops and see how your body responds before applying more.
  • External application only: Yoni oil is meant for external use only. Do not insert Yoni oil. Gently apply the oil to the external genital area, including the vulva. Avoid inserting the oil inside the vagina, as it may disrupt the natural balance and cause irritation.
  • Avoid intercourse immediately after application: To prevent any potential discomfort for both you and your partner, it’s best to avoid sexual activity immediately after applying Yoni oil.
  • Be consistent, but listen to your body: If you choose to incorporate Yoni oil into your routine, be consistent in its use for a period to observe its effects. However, pay attention to how your body responds. If you experience any adverse reactions or discomfort, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.
  • Consult a healthcare professional: If you have any concerns about using Yoni oil, or if you’re pregnant or have underlying health conditions, it’s crucial to talk to a healthcare professional before trying it.

Where to buy Yoni oil

Yoni oils are available for purchase in many stores, pharmacies and online. Be sure to always read the label carefully when choosing a yoni oil as different brands offer different blends with varying properties and benefits. It’s best to do your homework in advance and identify the best yoni oil for your needs—or at least which ingredients to look for.

Here are our top 3 recommended yoni oils:

  1. Best For Vaginal Care: Yoni Sacred Feminine Oil by RDrewNaturals: This fantastic all natural yoni oil is a magical mix containing aloe, calendula and neem. It works to moisturize, soothe itching, and discourage the proliferation of bad, infection-triggering bacteria.
  2. Best For Healing: WOOM Healing Oil by SageandBalm: This adaptogenic blend of cold-pressed and steam-distilled oils is great for both external and internal use, contains intoxicating lemongrass, and is great for natural ph restoration. Use it as a massage oil too.
  3. Best For Yoni Massage: Yoni Sex Gel by Yoni Yoni: This sensual organic oil gel contains moisturising coconut oil and vitamin E, which work to stimulate desire by creating warming and cooling sensations both partners will enjoy. You can also use it as lube.

Yoni oil side effects and potential risks

Every person’s body is unique, and what works well for one individual may not have the same effects for another. While Yoni oil is generally considered safe for many individuals, like any product, it does have potential side effects and risks to be aware of:

  • Allergic reactions: Some people may be sensitive or allergic to certain ingredients in Yoni oil. Always do a patch test on a small area of your skin before applying it more extensively.
  • Skin irritation: In some cases, Yoni oil might cause mild skin irritation or redness. If you experience any discomfort, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.
  • Interaction with medications: If you’re using any medications or have specific health conditions, always consult a doctor before using Yoni oil to ensure there are no interactions.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult with their healthcare provider before using Yoni oil, as its safety during these times hasn’t been extensively studied.

Improve your vaginal health with a Yoni massage

By now it is probably abundantly clear that yoni oil provides numerous healing benefits, but just imagine the additional benefits of having a partner massage that oil in for you.

If that sets off a resounding ‘yes’ in your head (and loins), you might consider a yoni massage as an additional vagina health tool to add to your repertoire. Check out the Ultimate Yoni Massage Guide to learn more about doing this on yourself or with a partner.

For those who are single or having trouble enjoying using Yoni Oils alone, have no fear, help is available. Put yourself, and your Yoni, in the skilled hands of a professional and book a Yoni massage with Karma Tantric. We offer a range of different tantric massages in London and would be very pleased to advise you. Just call the friendly bookings team on 0746 898 3212 and they would be very happy to help.


Erica Suarez-Hillingdon

Tantra Massage & Couples Therapy Expert

Erica is the Editor of Karma Tantric Magazine and expert in all things Tantra & Tantric Massage. She specialises in helping men, women and couples unleash their sexual potential through her tantra teachings. | Read More